Tender Mercies’ Legacy of Hope Society
Federal Tax ID number: 31-1137270
Legal Name: Tender Mercies, Inc.,
Address: 635 W. 7th St. Cincinnati, OH 45203
What Is it?
Legacy of Hope members are people who have committed to Tender Mercies’ mission of ending homelessness by including Tender Mercies in their estate plans.
The Legacy of Hope Society was founded in 2025, in Tender Mercies’ 40th year of service to Greater Cincinnati.
How can I help?
For most people, listing Tender Mercies as a beneficiary on your retirement accounts (IRAs, 401Ks, Donor Advised Funds, or Charitable Trust) is quick, and easy.
For others, estate planning may involve several steps to create a legacy gift tailored to your values.
Assess your estate plans with a trusted financial advisor.
Next STeps
We welcome every conversation about how your final gift to Tender Mercies can impact hundreds within out community.
When you are ready to join Tender Mercies’ Legacy of Hope Society, contact Chris Uihlein, Tender Mercies’ Major Gifts Coordinator, at 513-639-0559 or Legacy@TenderMerciesInc.org.
Investing in Tender Mercies’ endowment allows sustainable growth for our organization. It also means your gift has a sizable impact regardless of its initial value.
The benefits of including Tender Mercies in your estate plans are usually simple, but always personal. Our goal is to offer you an opportunity to extend your personal values into the next generation by making an investment in our community’s future.
Some benefits of Tender Mercies’ Legacy of Hope Society include:
Invitations to Tender Mercies events
Leaving a lasting impact on a cause you care about
Inspiring others to give through your Legacy of Hope membership
Receiving tax benefits
Reducing your taxable income
Creating sustainable growth for Tender Mercies by contributing to our Endowment fund
The gift planning information presented on this website is not offered as legal or tax advice.